October Adventures


October Service Hours- 3
Total Service Hours- 6 

Family/ Giving Back- October has been a tough month for me. I’ve had to prioritize my studying schedule as well as give time to my family as this was a rough time for all of us due to the passing of my grandmother. I have experienced many things these last few weeks but one of the most important lessons I learned was the value of time. Due to Covid, my family and I were only allowed to visit my grandmother for 4 hours a day. Although this may seem sufficient for someone who can be independent, my grandmother was unfortunately bed bound. We would visit her and make sure she was fed as she was unable to eat on her own. Due to the pandemic, we were restricted from seeing her for several months and then finally were granted permission to visit her for a few hours every day. She had become severely weak and loss her usual adequate appetite. This personal experience taught me how lonely family members must have felt due to being separated from their loved ones. With this thought, I researched local opportunities in New Orleans and came across an agency called Mind Right. They provide seniors with meals and give volunteers the opportunity to call those seniors and assist them with any issues they might have with their meals and ensure that they are properly provided food. I thought this was a beautiful initiative because having a personal experience with my grandmother regarding her nutrition intake, I personally know how important it is for seniors to be properly provided the nutrition they require. 

This opportunity has been an interesting experience for me as I’ve been able to connect with seniors beyond their nutritional needs. I believe food can bring up a beautiful connection with two complete strangers as it is usually just the beginning of a wonderful conversation. I am thankful to Unitedway Hands on for allowing me to take part in this wonderful opportunity.

School- Where do I begin? This month was tough for me but I will continue to put in my best foot forward. I’ve had to put in more time for particular lectures as they have gone in more depth tha
n I had expected. However, I enjoyed every class to this point as it teaches me more and shows me that the path to medicine is not easy. Although it can break you, but if you really want it then you must be a hundred percent focused in this. This journey is worth every hour of studying I put in. It teaches me the value of this field. I love my pharmacology program as it inspires me every day to learn something new. I am putting my best into the next upcoming exam as I want to finish this semester off with some wonderful grades. Let’s see what November has in store for me. Stay tuned! 
