
January Blog/ Back to School

  Studying/ School- Hi everyone! It's exciting to be back in school again. I’m ready for the second semester of this program. So far it seems to be an exciting semester as we have many more presentations to do this time compared to our last semester. I have improved my studying schedule and seem to be doing well on completing my learning objectives after classes. I truly wish that we got more time to study with our classmates which would have been really helpful for many of us in this program. However, we are all making the most of it by utilizing online zoom sessions and creating study groups. The only thing that I’m really nervous about this semester is the NBME exam in April. I really want to do well on that exam and so I’ve started to create a study guide on how I will be utilizing my study days in the upcoming weeks. I would like to make the most out of each day and benefit from every study session. Last semester, it took me a few weeks to get my study habits together and do w

Thankful for Everything

November Service Hours-6  Total Service Hours-12 Studying- November was a pretty dense month for me. I was able to finally work out a studying routine which worked for me. I am thankful to have found particular ways to self-study and study with other classmates. I am appreciative about how helpful the other students are toward each other. This further solidifies my love for New Orleans, as the community here is very welcoming and helpful towards one another. I enjoyed the first semester of this program, because it broke me down but built me back up even stronger. It was very important for me to find a studying method which would be both helpful and properly timed as I had previously spent much time stuck on topics I didn’t understand too well. I believe every module was very different for me but I enjoyed each and every one of them. I am glad that I actually learned so much from this semester which will help me in medical school in the future. Although I was unable to meet with some of

October Adventures

   October Service Hours- 3 Total Service Hours- 6  Family/ Giving Back- October has been a tough month for me. I’ve had to prioritize my studying schedule as well as give time to my family as this was a rough time for all of us due to the passing of my grandmother. I have experienced many things these last few weeks but one of the most important lessons I learned was the value of time. Due to Covid, my family and I were only allowed to visit my grandmother for 4 hours a day. Although this may seem sufficient for someone who can be independent, my grandmother was unfortunately bed bound. We would visit her and make sure she was fed as she was unable to eat on her own. Due to the pandemic, we were restricted from seeing her for several months and then finally were granted permission to visit her for a few hours every day. She had become severely weak and loss her usual adequate appetite. This personal experience taught me how lonely family members must have felt due to being separated f

September Blog

Who knew this year would be filled with such unprecedented times? 2020 will always be a year I will never forget. Living my entire life in New York City, I never imagined leaving the big apple, let alone appreciating my time in a whole new city. Since day one of class at Tulane, I could not have expected anything less from our Master of Science in Pharmacology program. I love the academic rigor and the curriculum set up for students. The staff and my fellow classmates have been beyond welcoming and kind.  Although September has been filled with many ups and downs, I have enjoyed participating in the Pen Pal program at Phoenix Assisted Care. I have reached out to two lovely ladies who I thought were adorable. I can understand that through these hard times, many of us out there have lost valuable time away from family and friends. This Pen Pal program meant a lot to me because I have personally worked with the elderly at the hospital. I have seen how it feels to be unwell and lonely thro